As Markham embarked on the creation of a long-term strategic plan, the City needed a process to consult with citizens on issues like growth management, transit, the environment, public safety, diversity and municipal services.
With declining attendance, traditional town halls were not a viable solution for public consultation. Time-pressed citizens want to engage, but need mechanisms that permit them to do so at their convenience.

To engage the public and gather feedback on Markham’s strategic direction, Delvinia developed an innovative online public consultation process branded Click with Markham.
Delvinia-designed an online platform where Markham residents could answer questions through an interactive survey about proposed plans for each of the City’s priorities; making them part of the democratic decision-making process. The online survey was available in eight languages and the questionnaire was also available in print.

During the three-week campaign, more than 5,000 people visited the platform and more than 3,600 individuals filled out the online survey.